Common Ways to Hold Title
If you’re purchasing a home in Washington, the Purchase and Sales Agreement has a field defining how you will take title. There are several ways beyond just putting your name(s) […]
The Life of an Escrow
What is escrow and how does it work? When you’re buying a property, you’re exchanging a considerable amount of money for it and the eventual transfer has to go through […]
Rental Investment Properties
Thinking of buying a rental property? There are few investment that provide a better rate of return and security than rental property. Of course, you’ll have to have enough cash […]
The Buyer Love Letter: To Be or Not to Be
February 6, 2021 Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou my next home? Poor Romeo and Juliet never got the opportunity to buy their first home together but, chances are, if they […]
You’re about to make what is quite possibly the biggest purchase of your life and there’s a lot you don’t know about it. What’s in the attic and crawlspace? Pests? […]